100 Ufos Swarmed A Fleet Of Navy Warships
US Navy Warships swarmed by 100 UFOs
In recent years, there have been multiple reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) near Navy warships. In some cases, the UFOs have even caused the ships to change course. While the Navy has not officially acknowledged these incidents, they are now investigating them.
UFO expert Jeremy Corbell says 100 UFOs swarmed a fleet of Navy warships
The US Navy was involved in a series of encounters with unidentified flying objects, popularly known as UFOs OR UAPs. The incidents took place off the coast of California, and they were documented by several naval personnel.
Now, UFO expert Jeremy Corbell has released new information about the encounters, which he says involved around 100 UFOs.
Corbell’s report includes accounts from military witnesses who say that the UFOs were able to track and follow the warships. The objects were also said to be able to change direction rapidly and perform astonishing feats of aerobatics.
The US Navy has not commented on the new reports, but they have previously said that they are investigating the 2004 incidents.
UFO watching American Army
The UFO incident occurred on July 15, 2019, when a group of U.S. Navy warships were swarmed by unidentified flying objects. The incident was caught on video by one of the sailors on board one of the ships.
In the video, the UFOs can be seen flying around the warships in a formation. They then suddenly break off and fly away at high speed.
Who is filmmaker Jeremy Corbell
Jeremy Corbell is a documentary filmmaker who specializes in investigative journalism. In 2019, he released a documentary called “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers.” The film explores the claims of Bob Lazar, a man who claims to have worked on reverse engineering alien technology at a secret government facility called Area 51.
Corbell has also directed several other documentaries, including “Hungarian Sunrise,” “Operation Lightning Strike,” and “The 7th Fire.” He is currently working on a new documentary about the U.S. Navy’s encounters with unidentified flying objects.
Watch this news report about the incident and listen to Jeremy’s Corbell’s words, very interesting.
Based on what he or people in his circle knows, these crafts are neither Chinese or Russians.