The Pascagoula Alien Abduction

The Pascagoula Alien Abduction

The Pascagoula Alien Abduction

In October 1973, Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson were fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi when they say they were abducted by aliens. The two men provided very similar accounts of what happened that night, describing being paralyzed by a bright light and then taken aboard a spaceship where they were examined by strange beings. This event is one of the most well-known and well-documented cases of alien abduction in history.

Where is Pascagoula?

Pascagoula is a small city located in Jackson County, Mississippi. It is situated on the Pascagoula River and is home to a shipyard and several chemical plants. The city has a population of just over 22,000 people.

Pascagoula gained notoriety in 1973 when two men, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, claimed to have been abducted by aliens while fishing off of a pier in the city. The men said that they were taken aboard a UFO and examined by creatures with long, thin arms and large eyes. The story made headlines around the world and put Pascagoula on the map.

Although many people believe that Hickson and Parker were telling the truth, there are some who believe that they made up the story. There have been no other reports of alien abductions in Pascagoula, which makes some people skeptical.

Whether you believe the men’s story or not, there’s no denying that Pascagoula is a fascinating place with a rich history. If you’re ever in Mississippi, be sure to check it out!

The Different Types of Alien Abductions

There are many types of alien abductions that have been reported over the years. Some people say they were taken aboard a spaceship, while others claim to have been taken to an underground base. There are even reports of people being abducted and experimented on by aliens.

No matter what type of alien abduction, one thing is for sure: it is a traumatizing experience. If you have ever been abducted by aliens, please let us know!

What Happens During an Alien Abduction?

It’s hard to say exactly what happens during an alien abduction, as it seems to be different for everyone who experiences one. However, there are some common themes that run through many abduction stories. These include being taken aboard a spacecraft, being subjected to medical or scientific experimentation, and being given a warning about the future of the planet.

Abductees often report feeling a great sense of fear during their experience. They may feel like they are in danger or that they are powerless to stop what is happening to them. Many also report feeling a sense of confusion and disorientation. It can be a very traumatic experience for those who go through it.