In the realm of extraterrestrial encounters, Project Serpo stands as a mysterious and fascinating chapter in the annals of ufology. A secret venture, purportedly orchestrated by the U.S. government, Project Serpo chronicles the incredible tale of 12 individuals who embarked on a groundbreaking expedition to the distant planet Serpo, nestled 40 light-years away in the Zeta Reticuli star system.

The Alien Odyssey Begins

The journey commences on July 16, 1965, when a colossal spacecraft, originating from the Zeta Reticuli star system, touched down at the Nevada test site north of Las Vegas. This extraordinary event was the culmination of a plan set in motion by President John F. Kennedy in 1962. The visitors, identified as the Ebens, graciously invited 12 military personnel—trained as astronauts—aboard their craft for a 10-month voyage to their enigmatic home planet, Serpo.

Decades of Secrecy Unveiled

Fast forward to November 2005, a pivotal moment in the disclosure of Project Serpo. Former and current members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, acting on Kennedy’s directive to organize the Serpo exchange program, stepped forward to shed light on this clandestine operation. Revelations were drawn from a comprehensive 3,000-page debriefing of the 7 members of the Serpo team who returned to Earth after an astonishing 13-year sojourn on Serpo.

Reverse-Engineering Extraterrestrial Technology
One of the most astounding facets of Project Serpo is the claim that the Ebens assisted Earth in reverse-engineering their antigravity spacecraft. The result was the development of cutting-edge technology capable of addressing our planet’s pressing energy challenges. This revelation opens the door to a paradigm shift in our understanding of advanced propulsion systems and interstellar travel.

Ongoing Relations with the Serpo Aliens

Perhaps equally intriguing is the assertion that the U.S. government maintains an ongoing relationship with the Serpo aliens. The implications of such interactions raise questions about the extent of our cosmic connections and the knowledge gained through this interstellar alliance.

Project Serpo in Popular Culture

Project Serpo’s influence extends beyond the realm of government secrecy and military operations. In the iconic film “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” directed by Steven Spielberg, a subtle nod to the Serpo story is embedded. In the final scenes, as men in orange suits depart Earth for another world, Spielberg appears to draw inspiration from the clandestine interplanetary journey documented in Project Serpo.

Project Serpo Video From the Why Files

For those seeking a visual glimpse into the world of Project Serpo, a video surfaced that delves into the intricacies of this enigmatic expedition. The video, available here, provides an intriguing perspective on the Serpo story and adds another layer to the mystique surrounding this covert extraterrestrial endeavor.

Beyond the Final Frontier

Project Serpo invites us to contemplate the limits of our cosmic exploration and the potential collaborations that may exist beyond our planet. Whether one views it as a captivating tale or a revelation of profound implications, the story of Project Serpo continues to captivate the imagination, offering a glimpse into the possibility that our relationship with extraterrestrial beings may be far more intricate than we can fathom.

Project BLUE BOOK – UFO investigation

Project BLUE BOOK – UFO investigation

Project BLUE BOOK – UFO investigation

For centuries, people have been reporting sightings of strange objects in the sky. In 1948, the U.S. government began investigating these reports under Project BLUE BOOK. Over the years, many theories have been put forward to explain these sightings – everything from natural phenomena to extraterrestrial life. But what do we really know about UFOs?

United States Air Force Website link(PDF):

What is Project BLUE BOOK?

Project BLUE BOOK was the code name for the United States Air Force’s (USAF) UFO investigation program that ran from 1948 to 1969. It was one of a series of studies conducted by the USAF to investigate reported sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

Over the 21 years of the project, a total of  12, 618 sightings were reported to Project BLUE BOOK. Of these, 701 remain “unexplained” even after careful investigation.

Project BLUE BOOK was terminated in December 1969, with the conclusion that there was no evidence of any threat to national security and that further study would be unwarranted. However, the USAF continues to investigate reports of UFO sightings through its Office of Special Investigations.

What are the objectives of Project BLUE BOOK?

Project Blue Book’s specific objective was to “determine if UFOs were a threat to national security, and to scientifically analyze UFO-related data.” In practice, the project involved investigating UFO reports and determining whether they had any merit. If a report could not be explained, it was cataloged as an “unknown.”

How has Project BLUE BOOK helped to advance our understanding of UFO sightings?

Project BLUE BOOK helped to advance our understanding of UFO sightings in several ways. First, it helped to standardize the way in which UFO reports were collected and investigated. This allowed for greater comparison of similar reports and helped to eliminate false positives. Second, the project’s extensive database of UFO reports has been used by researchers to identify patterns and trends in UFO activity. Finally, Project BLUE BOOK’s investigations into some of the most well-known and well-documented UFO cases has helped to shed light on what may actually be happening during these events.

What more can be done to advance our understanding of UFO sightings?

Despite its official termination, interest in UFOs has continued to this day, with people all over the world reporting sightings of strange objects in the sky. So what more can be done to advance our understanding of these phenomena?

One obvious step is to continue collecting data on UFO sightings. There are now many private groups and organizations dedicated to this task, and they are making significant progress in cataloging and analyzing reports.

Another important step is to encourage open-minded scientific study of the subject. Unfortunately, most mainstream scientists are reluctant to investigate UFOs because they fear being ridiculed by their peers. This needs to change if we are ever going to get a clear picture of what is really going on.

Finally, we need to be open to all possible explanations for UFO sightings, even those that may seem far-fetched at first. After all, the truth is out there.


Project BLUE BOOK was one of the most extensive UFO investigations ever conducted by the US Air Force. Despite its thoroughness, the project was ultimately unable to confirm or refute the existence of UFOs. However, it did provide a valuable trove of data that continues to be studied by UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike. Whether you believe in UFOs, Project BLUE BOOK is an interesting piece of history that provides insight into both military procedures and human psychology.



2 Aliens Body Discovered

In a startling revelation, scientists in Mexico recently made a significant breakthrough by unveiling what some speculate to be the remains of extraterrestrial beings. These astonishing findings were presented during Mexico’s first-ever public congressional hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), commonly known as UFOs.

During the event, journalist and UFO researcher Jaime Maussan, along with a team of experts, showcased two small mummified specimens that they claimed were not of terrestrial origin. Their primary objective was to urge the Mexican Chamber of Deputies to officially recognize UAPs, citing the importance of airspace security and the need for in-depth scientific study.

The alien bodies are 1000 Years old.

The mummified bodies, characterized by their shrunken and warped heads, left attendees at the congressional hearing in disbelief and ignited a frenzy on social media. Maussan, who described the discovery as “the queen of all evidence,” emphasized the significance of DNA testing. If the DNA analysis confirms that these beings are indeed non-human, it could mark a groundbreaking revelation. However, he refrained from labeling them as “extraterrestrials” at this stage, showing caution in his claims.

These enigmatic remains were discovered in 2017, buried deep underground in the sandy Peruvian coastal desert of Nazca. This region is renowned for its mysterious geoglyphs known as the Nazca Lines, which are colossal figures etched into the earth and visible only from an aerial perspective. While most experts attribute these formations to ancient indigenous cultures, they have long sparked the curiosity and imagination of people around the world.

The unveiling of these mummified specimens has raised numerous questions and generated intense interest among researchers, scientists, and the general public alike. As the scientific community delves deeper into this discovery, it could potentially reshape our understanding of the uncharted realms beyond Earth’s atmosphere.



Point Pleasant and the Mothman Legend

There is a town called Point Pleasant in West Virginia and it is home to the mothman legend. The town has a rich history and there are many stories about what happened in Point Pleasant over the years. Some people believe that the mothman is real and that he visits the town regularly. Others believe that the mothman is just a legend and that there is no such thing as a mothman. Whatever the case may be, Point Pleasant is definitely an interesting place to visit if you are interested in folklore and legends.The mothman sightings have always been a mystery, with many people claiming to have seen the creature. The impact of the mothman legend on local culture is undeniable, with many people believing in its existence. This mystery has fascinated people for years, and it seems that the sightings will continue to be a topic of discussion for years to come.There is no doubt that the mothman legend has had a significant impact on contemporary society. The origins of the mothman legend date back to the early 1900s, and at first glance it may seem like a ridiculous story. However, over time the legend has grown more and more complex, and today it is widely considered to be an important part of American culture.

The mothman legend began as a simple story about a man who saw a giant, furry creature walking in the woods. However, over time the story evolved into something much more complicated. Today, many people believe that the mothman is actually an alien species that arrived on earth in some way or another. Some believe that he is a representative of some sort of alien government, while others believe that he is a messenger from beyond space.

Whatever the case may be, the mothman legend has had a significant impact on modern society. In fact, many people consider him to be one of America’s most famous legends. And for good reason – the legend is full of fascinating details and it has inspired countless writers and artists over the years.

Is there any scientific evidence to support the mothman’s existence?

The mothman legend is one of the most famous and well-known cryptozoological creatures in the world. The legend states that a large, hairy, flying creature known as a mothman exists and has been seen by many people over the years. The origins of the mothman legend are unknown, but some believe that it may have originated from ancient folklore or legends. The possible implications of the mothman legend on modern day society are vast and complex. Some believe that the mothman could represent a threat to society, while others believe that it may be an example of folklore that has been misinterpreted over time. It is currently unknown what the true origins of the mothman legend are, but whatever they may be, they are sure to intrigue and fascinate those who study cryptozoology for years to come.

What could be behind the resurgence in reports of the mothman in recent years?

In recent years, there has been a resurgence in reports of the mothman. Reports of sightings of this creature have increased by 100% in just the past two years. Some people believe that the mothman is a real entity, while others believe that it is just an urban legend. There are many theories as to what could be behind this increase in sightings, but no one knows for sure. Some people think that the increase in sightings could be related to the popularity of horror movies, while others think that it could be related to the current political climate. Whatever the reason may be, it is interesting to explore and discuss.There is a lot of debate surrounding the mothman, and its origins remain a mystery. Some believe that it is some kind of metaphor for our fears or anxieties about the future. Others believe that it is an actual creature that exists, albeit in very rare cases. Whatever the case may be, the mothman remains one of the most intriguing and spooky creatures to ever inhabit our planet.There is no question that the sightings of the mothman have caused a stir in the United States over the past few decades. Some people believe that the creature is real, while others believe that it is simply an elaborate hoax. Regardless of whether or not there is any truth to reports of people being abducted by the mothman, its possible psychological effects on those who see it are worth exploring.

Some experts believe that the sightings may be symptomatic of a more widespread phenomenon known as cryptozoology. This refers to the study of creatures that are supposed to exist but have never been observed by humans, such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. Cryptozoology has been shown to have a number of psychological effects on those who engage in it, including increased levels of anxiety and paranoia.

It is also possible that the sightings of the mothman are causing a spike in interest in horror movies and other types of fiction. This could lead to increased levels of anxiety and stress for some individuals, particularly if they do not believe that the mothman is actually real. In short, there are a number of potential psychological effects that could be associated with sightings of the mothman.



Cube-shaped UFO reported in a video made by the History channel

A video made by the history channel has surfaced in what appears to show a cube-shaped UFO. The footage, which was captured by a pilot, has left many people wondering if there could be intelligent life out there.

The object is seen moving at high speed and rotating in the sky. This is not the first time that a cube-shaped UFO has been reported, but it is one of the clearest videos that has been captured on film.

Are we alone in the universe?

This is a question that has puzzled scientists and laypeople alike for centuries. And it’s a question that took on new urgency in the wake of the release of a video by the History Channel, which appears to show a cube-shaped UFO.

The video, which was filmed during the production of a documentary by the history channel, shows what appears to be a metallic object hovering in the sky. It’s impossible to say for sure what the object is, but it’s certainly an intriguing possibility that it could be an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Of course, there are many other potential explanations for the object in the video. It could be a trick of the light, an optical illusion, or something else entirely. But until we have more information, it’s impossible to say for sure what it is.

One thing is certain, though: The release of this video has reignited the debate about whether or not we are alone in the universe. And that’s a debate that is sure to continue for many years to come.

The Cube-shaped UFO reported in the video made by the history channel is a fascinating phenomenon. It’s definitely worth further investigation to see if there is any truth to it.



Flying balls in the sky, black projects or alien technology

One possibility is that these UFOs are part of a top secret government project, commonly referred to as a “black project.” These projects are highly classified and details are rarely released to the public. It’s possible that the flying balls could be part of some sort of experimental aircraft or weapon. Another possibility is that they could be alien technology.  Of course, all of this is purely speculative, and we may never know the true identity of these crafts.

Antigravity technology seem by many witnesses in Israel:

You can see in the video below how one of these flying balls is seen going down near a building and then shooting up to the sky at an incredible speed. This shows how advanced this technology is and how deadly it could be used as a weapon during a war.

What is antigravity technology?

There are many theories about what antigravity technology is and how it works, but one thing is for sure: it would be a game changer for humanity. If we could harness the power of antigravity, we could travel to the stars and beyond.

That said, there are many people who believe that aliens have visited our planet and have shared this technology with us. Some believe that the U.S. government has been working on antigravity technology in secret for years. Whether any of this is true remains to be seen, but it’s definitely fascinating to think about!

The object seen in Israel is similar to objects seen by pilots that were talked about at the congress.

How would antigravity technology change our world?

The potential applications of antigravity technology are virtually limitless. It could be used to levitate objects, travel great distances, or even create entire cities in the sky. The possibilities are truly mind-boggling.

However, there is one big question that must be considered: how would antigravity technology change our world?

There is no doubt that antigravity technology would have a profound impact on humanity. It could completely revolutionize transportation, architecture, and even our very way of life. We can only imagine what the world would be like if we had this amazing technology at our disposal.

Of course, there is also the possibility that antigravity technology could be used for less benevolent purposes. If it falls into the wrong hands, it could be used to create powerful weapons or even build giant floating fortresses. The implications are both exciting and scary.

Only time will tell how antigravity technology will change our world. But one thing is for sure: it will definitely be a game-changer.

These UFOs which can move faster than any missiles on this planet, have been spotted by the navy and there is no heat being dissipated from these crafts.