Unidentified submerged Objects – Underwater Alien Crafts

For years, there have been reports of unidentified submerged objects (USOs) sightings around the world. Some believe that these are evidence of underwater alien craft, and a new wave of interest in the topic has been sparked by recent sightings in Argentina. This article takes a look at some of the most convincing USO cases and what they could mean for our understanding of extraterrestrial life.

What are USOs?

USOs or “unidentified submerged objects” have the capability to fly in space, in our atmosphere, but also reach supersonic speed underwater. We do not currently know any technology that can fly in so many environments with such speed.

Sightings of USOs

There have been many sightings of unidentified submerged objects, or USOs, over the years. Some believe that these are underwater alien crafts, and there is certainly some evidence to support this theory. One of the most famous cases is the incident at Shag Harbour in 1967, when objects were seen to crash into the water and then disappear beneath the surface. Witnesses reported seeing lights and strange activity in the area for days afterwards.

There have been other, less well-known sightings since then, and it’s certainly possible that aliens are visiting our planet and use the depths of our waters to hide. Whether they are friendly or not is another matter entirely!

Explanations for USOs

USOs, or unidentified submerged objects, are a phenomenon that has been reported for centuries. There are many possible explanations for what these objects might be, ranging from natural phenomena to extraterrestrial spacecraft. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular theories:

  1. Natural phenomena: USOs could be explained by natural phenomena such as methane gas bubbles or undersea volcanic activity.
  2. Secret military experiments: Another possibility is that USOs are the result of secret military experiments, such as underwater test vehicles or sonar devices.
  3. Extraterrestrial spacecraft: Some believe that USOs are actually extraterrestrial spacecraft, either visiting our planet or perhaps even crashed and sunken long ago.
  4. hoaxes: Of course, it’s also possible that some or all reports of USOs are simply hoaxes.

Which explanation do you find most convincing? Or do you think there could be another explanation for USOs that we haven’t considered? Let us know in the comments!

Is there proof of USOs?

So far, the only “proof” of USOs are eyewitness accounts and sonar readings. In some cases, sonar readings have shown strange objects deep in the ocean that cannot be identified. However, this could simply be a case of misinterpretation. Until there is concrete evidence, we cannot say for sure whether UFOs exist.


There is no doubt that our oceans are home to many mysteries, and the unidentified submerged objects that have been found in various locations around the world are definitely one of them. While we may never know for sure what these objects are, it is certainly fascinating to speculate about the possibility that they could be evidence of underwater alien craft. Whatever the case may be, these objects remain a mystery for now, and we can only hope that future discoveries will help us to better understand them.



Crafts reaching up to 21,000 km/h speed 

Apparently, these unidentified flying objects can attain speeds of up to 21000 Km/h. While most sightings can be explained as natural phenomena or man-made objects, there remain a small percentage of reports that cannot be easily dismissed. These so-called “unexplained” sightings are often characterized by witnesses reporting strange crafts that exhibit seemingly impossible feats of aerodynamics, such as extreme speeds or sudden changes in direction. While there is no hard evidence to support the existence of these crafts, the sheer number of reports from credible witnesses lends credence to the idea that something truly unusual is taking place.

Where have Tic Tac UFOs been seen?

There have been reports of Tic Tac UFOs being seen all over the world, from the United States to Australia. It’s hard to say where they are coming from, but one thing is for sure: people are seeing them!

Some believe that the Tic Tac UFO is a secret government project, while others think that they might be extraterrestrial in origin. No one knows for sure, but it’s definitely an interesting phenomenon.

What do experts say about Tic Tac UFOs?

There are a lot of theories about where the Tic Tac UFO might be coming from. Some believe that it is a top secret military aircraft, while others believe that it could be an extraterrestrial spacecraft from the planet Mars. However, there is no definitive answer as to where the Tic Tac UFO came from. 

One theory is that the Tic Tac UFO is actually a spaceship from another planet or dimension or future that is visiting our world. 

Is the Tic Tac Ufo a threat?

There’s been a lot of talk lately about the so-called “Tic Tac Ufo” that’s been spotted all over the place. Some people are convinced that it’s a harmless piece of space debris, while others are convinced that it’s an alien spacecraft come to spy on us. So what’s the truth? Is the Tic Tac Ufo a threat, or is it just a harmless curiosity?

Have you seen a Tic Tac UFO? Let us know in the comments below!



Pentagon officials testify on UFOs

For years, the Pentagon has been tight-lipped about reports of unidentified flying objects, but that may be changing. In a recent hearing at the congress, seniors spoke openly about the government’s efforts to investigate so-called “unidentified aerial phenomena.” Here’s what you need to know.

Congress held its first public hearing on UFOs in more than 50 years

Pentagon officials testified in front of Congress about the need for more research on unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

This is the first time that Congress has held a public hearing on UFOs in more than 50 years.

Pentagon officials say that they have seen an increase in UFO sightings in recent years. They say that they do not know what these objects are, but they want to investigate them further.

The hearing was just the first step in investigating this issue further. It is unclear what will happen next, but it is clear that this is an issue that Congress is taking seriously.

Implications of the testimony

Pentagon officials testified on UFOs and the implications could be far-reaching. Some people are wondering if this could be a sign that the government is finally taking the issue seriously. Others are concerned about what this could mean for national security.

What do you think about the implications of the testimony? Do you think that the government is finally taking the issue seriously? Or are you concerned about what this could mean for national security? Let us know in the comments below.



U.S. Navy warships followed by pyramid UFOs

In recent years, there have been increasing reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in our skies. Now, it seems that even the U.S. Navy is taking notice. In this article, we’ll take a look at some recent sightings of UFOs near Navy ships, and try to make sense of what’s going on.

What are pyramid UFOs?

There have been a number of reports of mysterious pyramid-shaped UFOs following U.S. Navy warships. These objects have been seen by naval personnel and have been captured on video. What are these objects, and where do they come from?

There are a number of theories about what these objects could be. Some believe that they are extraterrestrial spacecrafts that are monitoring the Navy’s activities. Others believe that they are secret military craft that are being tested in the open ocean.

Whatever their origin, these pyramid UFOs are certainly an intriguing mystery. It will be interesting to see if any more information about them is revealed in the future.

Have there been other sightings of pyramid UFOs?

There have been several other sightings of pyramid UFOs around the world. In November 2010, two pilots in China reported seeing a fleet of pyramid UFOs flying in formation. And in September 2017, a man in the Netherlands captured video footage of a pyramid UFO hovering near a windmill.

What do experts say about pyramid UFOs?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some experts believe that pyramid UFOs are actually advanced military aircraft, while others believe that they could be extraterrestrial in origin. There is no clear evidence either way, so it is difficult to say definitively what pyramid UFOs are. However, the fact that they are often seen following U.S. Navy warships is certainly curious, and raises many questions.

What did the Navy say about the incident?

The U.S. Navy has released a statement about the incident, saying that they “are aware of the reports” and are “looking into them.” They also say that they “take these reports seriously” and are “investigating the matter.”

What are the implications of the incident?

The recent incident in which US Navy warships were followed by pyramid-shaped UFOs has generated a lot of interest and speculation. There are a number of possible implications of this incident, and it is difficult to say definitively what it means. However, some potential implications include:

1) That there are intelligent beings from another world who are interested in our military activities.

2) That our military technology is being studied by other civilizations.

3) That we are not alone in the universe.

4) That there may be a threat to our national security from otherworldly beings.

5) That the government is aware of these beings and is keeping it secret from the public.

6) That aliens might be friendly and just want to make contact with us.

7) That aliens might be hostile and might be planning an attack on Earth.

8) That our planet might be in danger from some sort of interdimensional threat.



Are ufos real?

For years, people have been claiming to see unidentified flying objects in the sky. But are these so-called ufos actually real? In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the evidence that has been put forward both for and against the existence of ufos.

What are ufos?

This is a question that has been asked for decades, and still remains a mystery. Some people believe that ufos are extraterrestrial spacecraft, while others believe that they are simply natural phenomena. There is no definitive answer, but there are certainly some interesting theories out there.

The history of ufos

This is a question that has been asked for centuries, and one that still remains unanswered. However, there is a history of ufos that might help shed some light on the matter.

The first recorded sighting of a ufo was in 1492 when Christopher Columbus spotted a strange light in the sky. Since then, there have been numerous reports of ufo sightings from all over the world. In 1947, a pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine strange objects flying in formation near Mount Rainier in Washington state. This event is widely considered to be the beginning of the modern era of ufo sightings.

There have been many theories about what ufos might be, but no one knows for sure. Some people believe that they are extraterrestrial spacecrafts, while others believe that they are natural phenomena or even hoaxes. Regardless of what they might be, ufos continue to fascinate people all over the world.

Ufo sightings around the world

There have been many UFO sightings around the world, and it’s hard to say for sure if they’re real or not. Some people believe that aliens are visiting our planet, while others think that these objects are just natural phenomena. Whatever the case may be, it’s certainly fascinating to read about these reports!

In 1947, a UFO was spotted in Roswell, New Mexico, and this event has become one of the most famous UFO sightings in history. People have claimed to see aliens or strange objects in the sky all over the world, and there are even some reports of people being abducted by aliens!

Whether you believe in UFOs or not, it’s definitely interesting to read about these reports.

Aliens may have been on earth for a thousand of years

Aliens may have been inhabiting earth for thousands of years, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. There are many theories about why aliens would visit our planet, but no one knows for sure what their motives would be. Some people believe that aliens are observing us and studying our behavior, while others think that they may be trying to contact us in some way. Regardless of their reasons, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that aliens have been living on Earth for thousands of years.

Some alien civilizations may be a million years more advanced

Due to the old age of our universe, some alien civilizations out there may be a million years more advanced than us.

This is a very real possibility, as there are an estimated 100 billion planets in our galaxy alone. With such a large number of potential habitable worlds, it is highly likely that at least some of them have hosted intelligent life for much longer than Earth has.

If there are any aliens out there that are a million years more advanced than us, they would be unimaginably powerful. Their technology would be so far ahead of ours that we could not even begin to understand it. They would be able to do things that we can only dream of, and their level of knowledge would be beyond our comprehension.



Bob Lazar and Area51 – How much Bob knew?

Bob Lazar was the first person to come forward and talk about Area51. In an interview, he talks about his work at S-4 and what he knew about the aliens and their technology.

Bob Lazar worked at area 51

Bob Lazar is a name that is synonymous with the Area 51 conspiracy. He claims to have worked on reverse engineering alien technology at the top secret base, and his story has been the subject of much debate and speculation.

How much did Bob Lazar actually know about Area 51 and the aliens that supposedly inhabit it? That’s hard to say. Lazar has been very tight-lipped about his time at the base.

Some believe that Lazar was simply a low-level employee with no real knowledge of the aliens or their technology. Others believe that Lazar was privy to classified information and may have even helped to reverse engineer alien technology.

The truth probably lies somewhere in between. It’s likely that Bob Lazar knew more than the average person about Area 51, but it’s doubtful that he had access to all the secrets that are hidden at the base.

Antigravity technology Bob Lazar worked on

Bob Lazar worked on antigravity technology while he was employed at Area 51. He has stated that the technology allows for aircraft to fly without the use of traditional propulsion methods, such as jet engines.

Lazar has also claimed that the technology can be used to create a force field around an object, making it invisible to radar. This would explain why the United States government is interested in keeping Area 51 secret.

It is not clear how much Bob Lazar actually knows about the technology he worked on. However, he has said that he believes the technology exists and that it is being used by the government.

Why Bob Lazar went public?

In 1989, Bob Lazar made headlines when he went public with his claims about Area 51. He said that he had been employed at the top secret government facility to reverse engineer alien spacecraft.

Lazar’s claims quickly made him a target of skepticism and ridicule. He was accused of being a fraud and a liar. However, many people were also fascinated by his story.

Lazar has never wavered in his story, and he continues to maintain that he worked at Area 51 and saw aliens spacecraft. In the years since he first went public, more and more people have come forward with their own stories about Area 51. This has lent credence to Lazar’s claims.

Whether you believe Bob Lazar, there is no doubt that he has an incredible story. His decision to go public has resulted in him becoming one of the most famous people associated with Area 51.

Element 115

Element 115 is a superheavy element that was first created in 2003. It has an atomic number of 115 and is located in the periodic table between elements 114 (flerovium) and 116 (livermorium).

To date, element 115 has only been created in laboratories and has never been found in nature. It is extremely unstable and decays quickly into other elements.

Despite its instability, element 115 has attracted a lot of attention from scientists due to its potential applications. For example, it could be used to create new types of fuel for nuclear reactors.

Bob Lazar claims that he worked on an experiment involving element 115 at Area 51. He said that the element was being used to power alien spacecraft. This claim has never been verified, but it continues to add to the intrigue surrounding Lazar and his story.

Bob’s Lazar interview with Joe Rogan