What are shadows aliens?

There are many theories out there about what shadows aliens might be. Some say they are extraterrestrial beings that are visiting our planet. Others say they are interdimensional beings that are here to help us evolve. Whatever they may be, one thing is for sure – they have been appearing to people all over the world for centuries.

One of the most common descriptions of shadows aliens is that they have red, glowing eyes. This is often seen as a warning sign, as it is said that these beings can control your mind if you look into their eyes. 

How do they differ from regular aliens?

What sets them apart from regular aliens, you ask? Well, for starters, they have red glowing eyes. But that’s not all! They’re also incredibly fast and agile, making them difficult to catch and even harder to escape from as they can pass through doors and walls.

What else makes them so different? Well, according to some accounts, they can control the minds of those who look into their eyes.

What is their purpose?

There are many theories out there about what these so-called “shadow aliens” are, and what their purpose might be. Some believe that they are benevolent beings here to help us evolve, while others believe that they are malevolent beings intent on doing us harm. There is no concrete evidence either way, so it’s hard to say for sure what their purpose is. However, one thing is certain: they are definitely not human.


The shadows aliens with red glowing eyes are a mysterious and feared species. They are said to be able to control the minds of humans and have been linked to many disappearances and abductions. While they remain mostly a myth, sightings of these creatures continue to be reported all over the world. If you believe you have seen one of these aliens, please tell us!



UFO Secrets Revealed Documentary from History Channel

This documentary is one of the best I’ve seen on the subject of UFOs. It’s very well researched and put together, and it really helps to shed some light on this often-misunderstood topic. I highly recommend it to anyone who’s interested in learning more about UFOs and their place in our history.

What is a UFO?

A UFO is an unidentified flying object. It’s a term that’s used to describe anything in the sky that can’t be identified. UFOs are often associated with aliens and extraterrestrial life, but they can also be natural phenomena.

The History of UFOs

There is no doubt that UFOs are one of the most intriguing and mysterious topics out there. For years, people have been fascinated by reports of strange objects in the sky, and the possibility that we may not be alone in the universe.

While the topic of UFOs is often associated with conspiracy theories and the like, there is actually a long and rich history to it that is worth exploring. 

The Truth Is Out There

Are you a believer in UFOs? Do you think that there is some sort of intelligent life out there beyond our own planet? If so, then you’ll definitely want to check out the new documentary UFO Secrets Revealed. This excellent film takes a comprehensive look at the UFO phenomenon, exploring everything from ancient sightings to modern day encounters.

Whether you’re a diehard UFO enthusiast or simply curious about the topic, UFO Secrets Revealed is sure to fascinate and enlighten. So go ahead and take a journey into the unknown – the truth is out there!


UFO Secrets Revealed is an excellent documentary that provides a detailed and insightful look into the world of UFOs. The film features interviews with some leading experts on the subject, as well as footage of UFO sightings from around the world. 



US Navy Warships swarmed by 100 UFOs

In recent years, there have been multiple reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) near Navy warships. In some cases, the UFOs have even caused the ships to change course. While the Navy has not officially acknowledged these incidents, they are now investigating them.

UFO expert Jeremy Corbell says 100 UFOs swarmed a fleet of Navy warships

The US Navy was involved in a series of encounters with unidentified flying objects, popularly known as UFOs OR UAPs. The incidents took place off the coast of California, and they were documented by several naval personnel.

Now, UFO expert Jeremy Corbell has released new information about the encounters, which he says involved around 100 UFOs.

Corbell’s report includes accounts from military witnesses who say that the UFOs were able to track and follow the warships. The objects were also said to be able to change direction rapidly and perform astonishing feats of aerobatics.

The US Navy has not commented on the new reports, but they have previously said that they are investigating the 2004 incidents.

UFO watching American Army

The UFO incident occurred on July 15, 2019, when a group of U.S. Navy warships were swarmed by unidentified flying objects. The incident was caught on video by one of the sailors on board one of the ships.

In the video, the UFOs can be seen flying around the warships in a formation. They then suddenly break off and fly away at high speed.

Who is filmmaker Jeremy Corbell

Jeremy Corbell is a documentary filmmaker who specializes in investigative journalism. In 2019, he released a documentary called “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers.” The film explores the claims of Bob Lazar, a man who claims to have worked on reverse engineering alien technology at a secret government facility called Area 51.

Corbell has also directed several other documentaries, including “Hungarian Sunrise,” “Operation Lightning Strike,” and “The 7th Fire.” He is currently working on a new documentary about the U.S. Navy’s encounters with unidentified flying objects.

Watch this news report about the incident and listen to Jeremy’s Corbell’s words, very interesting.

Based on what he or people in his circle knows, these crafts are neither Chinese or Russians.



Alien civilization living underwater

Scientists have long speculated about the possibility of life on other planets. But an old story suggests that an alien civilization might actually be living right here on Earth – under the water.

Lake Baikal Mysteries of aliens encounter with divers

At a depth of 1,600 feet, in the world’s oldest and deepest lake, seven Russian divers had a close encounter with what they believe was an extraterrestrial life form. The incident took place in Lake Baikal, Siberia, which contains 20% of the world’s unfrozen freshwater and is deeper than the Grand Canyon.

Baikal waters: a place of mystery

There are many stories and legends about Lake Baikal. Some of them are about aliens encounters.

One of the most mysterious storys is about a group of divers who encountered alien creatures while diving in the lake. The creatures were said to be about 10 feet tall and had a long head with large eyes. It was also said that the aliens were wearing a silver suit and a strange spherical helmet. The divers claimed that the creatures attacked them after trying to capture one.

The alien creatures hit the divers with a very powerful weapon(shockwave), sending them to the surface rapidly without decompressing. 3 of the divers died and 4 were seriously injured.

These are just a few of the many stories and legends about aliens encounters with divers in Lake Baikal. 

What could these creatures be?

There are many theories about what these creatures could be, but no one knows for sure. Some believe they are aliens or otherworldly beings, while others think they are simply unclassified animals. Whatever they are, they remain a mystery and continue to fascinate those who have seen them.

What is the evidence for an alien civilization living underwater?

One piece of evidence is the existence of underwater ruins. These ruins are found in various locations around the world, and some believe that they are the remains of an ancient civilization that once lived beneath the waves.

Another piece of evidence for an underwater alien civilization is the existence of strange creatures in the depths of the ocean. Some believe that these creatures are not of this world, and that they may be proof of an alien life form living in the deep waters.

There is also evidence that suggests that there could be a massive city located under the water. This city is known as Atlantis, and many believe that it was once a thriving metropolis before it sank into the sea.

What does this mean for our understanding of the universe?

The possibility of an alien civilization living underwater is both intriguing and perplexing. It begs the question: what does this mean for our understanding of the universe?

It could be that this civilization is not actually aliens, but rather a group of humans who have managed to find a way to live underwater. This seems unlikely, however, as no human civilization has yet been able to achieve this feat.

It is also possible that this is a sign that there are other intelligent lifeforms in the universe besides humans. If this is the case, it would be a major breakthrough in our understanding of the cosmos. Perhaps there are many civilizations out there, each with their own unique way of life. 



The Tunguska incident and Ufos

On June 30, 1908, something exploded in the skies over Tunguska, Siberia. The blast was heard for 1000 km and flattened more than 80 million trees over 2,150 km2. It is estimated that the explosion was as powerful as 1000 Hiroshima bombs. But what caused it? One popular theory is that it was an extraterrestrial weapon or a spacecraft crash.

What caused the Tunguska incident?

For years after the Tunguska incident, people speculated about what could have caused the massive explosion. Some believed that a comet or meteor had exploded in the atmosphere, while others thought it may have been a UFO. In the end, the most likely explanation is that a small asteroid or comet entered the Earth’s atmosphere and exploded before reaching the ground. However, we may never know for sure what happened that fateful day in Siberia. Whatever the cause, the Tunguska incident was a very strange event that has never been fully explained.

Were Ufos involved in the Tunguska incident?

There are many theories about what caused the Tunguska incident, but one of the most popular is that it was caused by an extraterrestrial object. There have been reports of UFO sightings in the area around the time of the incident, and some people believe that the explosion was actually caused by a UFO crashing into the earth.

Whether UFOs were actually involved in the Tunguska incident is still a mystery, but it’s certainly an interesting theory.

Tunguska incident vs Hiroshima nuke

UFOs are often associated with the Tunguska incident. Some people believe that a UFO was shot by a very powerful ground weapon. However, there is no evidence to support this claim.

The explosion at Tunguska was much more powerful than the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. The Hiroshima bomb had a yield of about 15 kilotons of TNT, while the Tunguska explosion was estimated to be between 10 and 15 megatons. This means that the Tunguska explosion was 1,000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb!

Despite its incredible power, there were no reported deaths from the Tunguska incident. This is because the area was sparsely populated at the time. 

Ufo flying in the sky during the Tunguska Incident

There are many stories about UFOs in Russia, and some people believe that the Tunguska incident was caused by one of these flying objects. Some even say that they saw a UFO flying in the sky before the explosion happened, others even claim that some kind of big plasma weapon shot from the ground to the UFO in the sky.


The Tunguska incident is a fascinating event that has been shrouded in mystery for over a century. While there are many theories about what caused the explosion, no one can say for sure what happened. Some believe that it was a natural phenomenon, while others believe that it was caused by an extraterrestrial object. Regardless of what actually happened, the Tunguska incident is a reminder of how little we know about our universe and the forces that exist within it. Please leave us a comment!



Shag Harbour UFO Incident

On the night of October 4, 1967, something strange happened in the small town of Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia. Witnesses reported seeing a large object fall from the sky into the waters off the coast. A search and rescue operation was launched, but no trace of the object or any survivors was ever found. To this day, the Shag Harbour UFO Incident remains one of the most baffling and unexplained events in Canadian history.

What happened at Shag Harbour?

The incident was investigated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Navy, but they were unable to find anything.

Some people believe that the object was a UFO, and there have been many theories about what happened that night. However, no one knows for sure what happened at Shag Harbour.

Theories about what happened

Some believe that the UFO was a secret government experiment, while others think it was an alien spacecraft. Whatever the truth may be, the Shag Harbour UFO Incident is a fascinating story that continues to intrigue people today.

What witnesses saw

For years, the incident was shrouded in mystery. But recently, new information has come to light that may help explain what really happened that night.

Witnesses say that the object was about 100 feet long and had bright lights on its underside. It made a hissing sound as it fell into the water and then disappeared beneath the surface.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Navy searched for the object, but never found anything. The official investigation concluded that it was most likely a meteor.

But many people still believe that what they saw that night was an extraterrestrial spacecraft. And there are some who think that the government is covering up what really happened.

Aftermath of the incident

It’s been almost 50 years since the Shag Harbour UFO incident occurred, and there are still many unanswered questions. What really happened that night? Was it an alien spacecraft that crashed into the ocean, or something else?

There have been a number of theories over the years, but no one knows for sure. The Canadian government conducted an investigation at the time, but was unable to find any evidence of what happened.

In the decades since, there have been a number of sightings of unexplained objects in the skies over Shag Harbour. Could these be related to the incident? Or is it just coincidence?

We may never know what really happened that fateful night in 1967. But one thing is for sure: the Shag Harbour UFO incident remains one of the most baffling and intriguing mysteries of our time.

Do you think the Shag Harbour UFO incident was caused by a meteor or something more sinister? Let us know in the comments!